Section 1, Lesson 1
In Progress

OSHA Requirements Copy

As a business owner, you are familiar with OSHAmandated plans like an emergency action plan, illness and injury plan, or fall protection plan. Starting Jan 1st, 2021, OSHA requires every employer with one or more employees to have a written COVID-19 prevention plan (CPP). 

In this video, Pam Isom will share the OSHA regulation’s details and your plan’s specific components. 

Watch the video:

Key takeaways:

Starting Jan 1st, 2021, OSHA will require every employer with one or more employees to have a written CPP. Your plan should include:

  • workplace hazards
  • risk assessment
  • health assessment
  • returntowork guidelines and training for employees
  • face coverings, social distancing, and signage information
  • safe workplace checklist
  • daily cleaning and disinfecting plans


Visit the Cal/OSHA website to learn more about this regulation. 


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